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•   Sandra Simmons (Giangrante)  8/22
•   Stewart Wilson  3/10
•   Greg McBride  1/16
•   Peter Hansen (Hansen)  10/22
•   Kathleen Bastian (Garry)  10/15
•   Sharon Davis (Bell)  8/10
•   Lawrence Bequette  8/6
•   Marie Robertson (Stewart)  7/30
•   Richard Robertson  7/21
•   Andrew (Drew) Antonelli  7/7
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6 live in Arizona
16 live in California
2 live in Colorado
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2 live in Delaware
1 lives in District Of Columbia
22 live in Florida
5 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
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21 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
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4 live in North Carolina
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118 live in Pennsylvania
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1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Indonesia
1 lives in Israel
131 location unknown
77 are deceased


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The pictures below were taken during the 60th Reunion celebration on October 21st at the Langhorne-Middletown Country Club.  Additional 60th Reunion pictures can can be seen by clicking on the button to the left.

Darlyne Young and Rich Gimbel

Our Classmates Showed Lots of Artistic Talent

Dee Guyer and Brenda Weir

Our Classmates Excelled In Sports

Larry Langhans

So Many Activities, So Much Fun

Mary Ann Brostrom

Emil and Sue Oles

Please Check Back Soon for More Reunion Pictures!


Please scroll further down below on this page to see pictures taken at our 55th reunion.

55th-Year Reunion - October 20, 2018

Look at the pictures below to see photos of the 55th-Year Reunion Luncheon, held at the Middletown Country Club in Langhorne.  Photos will be posted here as they are submitted by classmates who attended the event.  Thank you to Holly Welke Seckinger for chairing the 55th-Year Reunion Luncheon, and to all the members of the 55th-Year Reunion Committee!


Lorraine Pelczarski Ewing and Holly Welke Seckinger

Tom Percetti arriving in his classic Chevy

Eleanor and Peter Hansen (seated), and Jackie Scheetz Stout

Bobbie Chamberlain Gregory and Zinta Fitins Zarins

Our Classmates On Their Best Behavior - For A Change!

Herb Potter and John Cost

Brenda Weir and Bonnie Babitt Troy

Bobbie Chamberlain Gregory (l) won the door prize, a beautiful, hand-made afghan presented to her by Reunion Chair, Holly Welke Seckinger.

Jim and Pat Neitzel

Janet Smith Hough, Penny Wilkins Jaxheimer and Pamela Neudecker Rush

Sherry Buckley Warner, Joe Shokitano and Carole Buckley

Herb Potter and Roy Zehner

Bobbie Chamberlain Gregory, Janice Wellings Fresta and Janet Smith Hough

John Cost and his friend, Larraine Lodise

Esther Watkins Fox, Roy Zehner and Sherry Buckley Warner

Lee Merrick and Henry Woodruff

Bobbie Chamberlain Gregory, Carole Buckley, Sandra Simmons Giangrante, Esther Watkins Fox and Janice Wellings Fresta

Jerry Dorland, Carol Zerbe and Bob Emery

Carole Buckley and Jack Buckman

"Langhorne Manor Kids" Andy Barniskis, Brenda Weir, Rich Gimbel, George Hopf, Esther Watkins Fox, Zinta Fitins Zarins and Sandy Klockenthoer

George Hopf and his wife, Grace

Bobbie Chamberlain Gregory and Jerry Dorland

Ed and Sue Kern

Mark Ciccone, Ed Kern, Bob Emery and Emil Webber

Zinta Fitins Zarins, Ed Fulmor, Ed Kern and Paul Griffith

Esther Goldbloom Kraeer, Emil Webber and Sherry Buckley Warner

Rich Gimbel and Sandy Klockenthoer

Holly Welke Seckinger, MaryAnn Brostrom Morton and Carole Buckley

Jean Wood Gupta and her friend Frank DeMuro

Bob Emery and Carol Zerbe

Herb Potter, Tom Percetti and Ed Fulmor

Jackie Scheetz Stout, Glenn Reahm, Bob Barr and Masako Reahm

Andrew Barniskis, Rich Gimbel and Ed Fulmor

Ed Kern and Esther Goldbloom Kraeer

Edgar Fulmor, Carole Buckley, Mark Ciccone and Sherry Buckley Warner

"In Memory" Display of Dear, Departed Classmates

Thanks again to Holly Welke Seckinger and the other members of the 55th-Reunion Committee!